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Preventing Vole Damage
Voles are my least favorite nuisance to the garden. They eat the bulbs, the lawn, the fruit trees, and the perennials all year long.

trees Try wrapping your ornamental trees with the plastic wrapping or the tar paper available at the local nursery.

bulbs plant them deep, use the battery operated noise making spikes available at Costco and major home and garden stores.

the lawn after the first 6 inches of snow has fallen, get your snow shoes on and compact your planting area. The voles like to dig their tunnels between the ground (or the lawn) and the light snow at this time. If you pack it down there is no room for them and they go elsewhere. This is not science but a tale I heard and have found works. This will also protect your perennials and bulbs. Make a party out of it. The years I forget to do this I see damage, especially on the lawn.